Itaque, fratres, state, et tenete traditiones quas didicistis.
Therefore, brethren, stand fast, and hold on to the traditions which you have learned.
ST. PAUL, 2 Thessalonians 2:14
Antonio Bacci, n. a Giugnola, arcid. di Firenze, 4 sett. 1885; ord. 9 ag. 1909; dalla s. m. di Giovanni XXIII creato e pubblicato nel Concistoro del 28 mar. 1960; el. alla Ch. tit. di Colonia di Cappadocia, pro hac vice arciv., 5 apr. 1962; cons. 19 apr. 1962; Diacono di S. Eugenio. | Congr. -- Concilio, Religiosi, Riti, Seminari e Università degli Studi. |

SCHOLARLY ROME BACKING. -- On March 14, 1968, Antonio Cardinal Bacci, the world's leading Latinist, and head of the Vatican Archives, in a hand-delivered letter and audio tape in Latin, extended his "warm congratulations" to Father for his "wise and zealous defense of the Latin language and the Gregorian Chant," and urged him to continue to protect, to defend and to promote this most opportune cause."
Populus Eius, et oves pascuae Eius;
introite portas Eius in confessione...
We are His people and the flock of His pasture;
enter His gates with thanksgiving...
PSALM 99:3-4
SHOWING THE WAY. -- On June 23, 1968, Father opened the Ave Maria Chapel in Westbury, Long Island, the first post-Vatican II traditionalist Roman Catholic "from cradle to grave" church in the world.
Plantati in domo Domini; in atriis domus Dei nostri florebunt.
They that are planted in the house of the Lord shall flourish in the courts of the house of our God.
PSALM 91:14
A PROUD MOMENT. -- On August 10, 1968, the CTM Headquarters' Ave Maria Chapel in Westbury, N.Y. was solemnly dedicated by Bishop Blaise S. Kurz, who insisted on having the above picture taken with the Leonard Britting-John Cuneo family, which he publicly hailed as "Father De Pauw's American family, without which there would have never been an Ave Maria Chapel."
