Tu es Petrus,... et tibi dabo claves caelorum.
Thou art Peter, ... and I will give thee the keys of the kingdom of heaven.
JESUS CHRIST, Matthew 16:19
SERVING UNDER 5 POPES: JOHN XXIII (1958-1963).: The Pope who trusted Father. -- When Baltimore's leftist Archbishop Lawrence Shehan tried to limit Father's privileges as Vatican Council "personal expert," "Good Pope John" promoted Father to "Council Father" on Nov. 3, 1962, with all the privileges attached to that position, Vatican diplomatic passport included.
Semper ad Tuam iustitiam faciendam procedant eloquia,
dirigantur cogitationes et opera...
May our words, thoughts and deeds always be aimed to accomplish what is right in Thy sight...
TAKING PART IN HISTORY. -- This November 13, 1962 photo shows Father in Rome's St. Peter's Basilica, participating in the Second Vatican Council, with (l. to r.) Bishop Leo De Kesel of Ghent, Belgium, Bishop Jorge Pflaum of Concepcion, Bolivia, and Bishop Blaise Kurz of Yungchow, China, and New York.
Forsan at haec olim meminisse juvabit.
Perhaps some day even these things will be pleasant to remember.
VIRGIL, Aeneid, 1
FRIENDS. -- Father is shown in this Dec. 1, 1962, photo, just before entering Rome's St. Peter's Basilica for another session of the Vatican Council, with Bishop Jorge Pflaum of Concepcion, Bolivia, and Bishop Walter Kellenberg of Rockville Centre, N.Y., the diocese into which Father would transfer the CTM's main office and chapel after the death of Francis Cardinal Spellman of New York.
Non est in ore eorum veritas: cor eorum vanum est...
Linguis suis dolose agebant: judica illos, Deus.
There is no truth in their mouth: their heart is vain...
They dealt deceitfully with their tongues: Judge them, O Lord.
PSALM 5:10-11
"THE BEST INFORMED MAN AROUND HERE," Francis Cardinal Spellman called Father, when he learned that, besides being a "procurator" and "personal expert" at the Vatican Council, -- Father, shown here at a Vatican press conference -- was also an accredited journalist, representing a Belgian newspaper of which his late father had been editor-in-chief.
