Sunday, June 18th,
This Sunday is the Solemnity of Corpus Christi.
The Sunday within the Octave of the Feast of Corpus Christi
which this year is Thursday, June 15th.
On this feast we adore our uniquely Catholic possession, the Living
God among us in the Blessed Sacrament, the greatest of all sacraments.
One of the names by which the prophets of the Old Testament
depicted the future Redeemer, is the name Emmanuel, meaning God among us.
And as all their predictions did, this one too became a
reality on the first Christmas night in Bethlehem when the eternal God, God the
Son, the second Person of the Blessed Trinity, truly became one of us:
Emmanuel, God among us.
And as amazing as the mystery of of
Christ's nativity was, even more incomprehensible is the fact that God's
presence among us was not to be limited to the 33 years of His earthly life in
Even before His Apostles understood what He was talking
about, Our Lord promised them: " I will not leave you like orphans!"
A promise He kept when at the Last Supper on Holy Thursday He gave His priests
the power to change bread and wine into His own Body and Blood, His own human
and Divine Self, ordering them to do so by renewing the Sacrifice of the Cross
which He was to offer the following day, Good Friday.
Only Almighty God could have thought of coming to us and
staying with us under the appearances of bread and wine multiplying His
presence all over the earth for all time.
From that day, the Church of God possessed the Holy Eucharist
as the greatest of all the sacraments. And that is why a Roman Catholic Church
building is not just a beautiful religious meeting hall, but is the residence
of the Living God in the Blessed Sacrament of the Tabernacle.
Our Lord declared on that first Holy Thursday night after
taking bread, breaking it and looking up and giving thanks saying: " This
is My Body". Then He took the chalice of wine and in a certain, strong
solemn voice he declares: " This is My Blood". He tells them to eat
and drink and He solemnly commands them; " Do this in commemoration of
Me". He has given the Apostles His flesh and blood and He wants them to
continue giving His flesh and blood to His followers, not just of those days
but of our day as well.
Our Lord told his audience of His day: " Do not labor
for the food that perishes, but for that which endures unto life everlasting. I
am the bread of life. Your fathers ate the manna in the desert and have died. I
am the bread that comes down from Heaven. If anyone eat this bread he shall
live forever; and the bread that I will give is My flesh for the life of the
The Roman Catholic Church takes those words of that first
Holy Thursday, "This is My Body ""and This is My Blood," as
they stand and takes them literally. It takes them seriously and takes them in
their only possible meaning. It takes them as the Apostles and the Christians
of the early Church understood them. We Catholics wholeheartedly believe in the
real presence of Our Divine Lord in the tabernacles of our churches. Because
the Holy Eucharist for us is not just bread and wine symbolizing Christ's body
and blood. We believe that anytime those heavenly words "This is My Body, This is My Blood " are repeated at the consecration of
the Mass, the living Jesus Christ is present, really, truly and substantially
under the appearances of bread and wine. At that moment of Consecration
it is no longer the priest who speaks. It is Our Lord Himself Who uses the lips
of the priest to say "This is My Body , This is My Blood."
After the Consecration, it shows the great care of the priest
who holds his thumb and index finger closed together so he does not touch
anything else during the rest of the Mass with those fingers that touched the
consecrated Host and Chalice.
It also makes us understand why the Roman Catholic Church has
always considered it a grave sin of sacrilege for anyone who is not a priest to
touch the consecrated Host or Chalice but for the most exceptional
When we Roman Catholics receive true Holy Communion, the
Sacred Host which the priest places on our tongue is indeed the living Jesus
Christ, true God and true Man, Who was born in the
stable of Bethlehem, died for us on the cross of Calvary, rose from the grave
on Easter Sunday and ascended into Heaven where He now lives in glory and
power, with a place waiting for each one of us to live happily for all time in
a world without end. To receive true Holy Communion is the greatest event that
can ever happen to us here on earth!
My dear people, our answer to that miracle of God's
omnipotence, coming to us and staying with us under the appearances of bread
and wine and multiplying His presence all over the earth for all time should be
an answer of faith and thanksgiving and love.
That is why on Blessed Sacrament Sunday as this Sunday is
also known we go in procession out of the church and proudly display our
uniquely Catholic possession for all to see.
On this Blessed Sacrament Sunday, we humbly and gratefully
before God, proudly display before the world our greatest unique treasure,
Emmanuel, God among us!