Spring/Summer 2009
On Ash Wednesday, February 25, 2009, Mass was offered followed by the distributoin of Holy Ashes. Ashes were also distributed in the afternoon for those members who had to work or attend school and were unable to attend Mass in the morning.
The following Sunday, Palm Sunday, the traditional blessing of the palms followed by the procession and re-enactment of Our Lord's entrace into Jerusalem took place followed by Mass and the readin gof the Passion. This was the beginning of a truly Holy Week during which Our Lord's Passion, Death and Resurrection were commemorated. Before each Holy Week service, members heard the explanation and meaning of the days service by a previously recorded sermon given by Father De Pauw. On Holy Thursday, a uniquely Catholic Holy Day which commemorates the twin institution of the Sacraments of Holy Eucharist and Holy Orders, Mass was offered followed by Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament in the Repository. Members were able to adore the Blessed Sacrament throughout the day since the Chapel remained open until late afternoon.
On Good Friday, the traditional Good Friday service with the reading of the Passion according to St. John, the traditional supplications followed by the unveiling and adoratoin of the Crucifix, and the traditional Mass of the pre-sanctified were offered and attended by an overflow crowd.
On Holy Saturday, the traditional Holy Satruday service returned to the Chapel with the blessings of the new fire, the paschal candle, the new Easter water, and renewal of Baptismal vows. The exultet and Litany of the Saints also was sung followed by Mass.
On Easter Sunday a high Mass was offered celebrating our Lord's Resurrection and victory over death concluding a truly holy week.
High Masses have been offered at the Chapel on the first Sunday of the month (in lieu of First Friday) the day in which the traditional Sacred Heart devotions and benediction are kept alive.
On Sunday, May 3, 2009, at the conclusion of Mass a procession to Father De Pauw's memorial was made to commemorate the 4th anniversary of his passing. The prayer to St. Michael as well as the commemoration for a priest from the Mass was prayed. This was followed by all present singing a traditional Marion hymn.
On Sunday, May 24, the Sunday before Memorial Day, members were reminded at Mass the tour Freedom's come with sacrifice, the sacrifice of those who gave their lives defending our Country. After Mass, the traditional Memorial Day ceremony was held in front of the outdoor Crucifix at the back of the Chapel. Members were led by the Chapel's veterans, who honored our fallen heroes by placing a wreath in their honor. Taps were played from the Chapel carillon.
On Sunday, May 31st, the Queenship of the Blessed Mother, a First Communicant crowned the statue of the Blessed Mother with a wreath of fresh flowers. This recently restored beautiful statue was placed in the sanctuary for the month of May. It was previously discarded and rescued by Catholic laymen almost 40 years ago.
On Sunday, June 14th, the solemnity of Corpus Christi took place with a procession to the outdoor altar where benediction was attended by chapel members. This procession capped for us what has been a spiritually successful year. It has been one year since we found a true priest to once again offer the centuries old True Sacrifice of the Mass at the Ave Maria Chapel. Over this past year we have been able to once again keep alive just about every tradition of the Roman Catholic Church as it was when Father De Pauw was here, keeping the Chapel as that "OASIS OF CATHOLIC FAITH IN A DESERT OF CONCILIARIST DECAY” that Father De Pauw made it to be. While there were many attempts over the past 4 years to try and change the Chapel and ally it with groups and associations which Father De Pauw always avoided and warned us about, the Chapel continues to be independent and continues to operate as he so wisely planned for its future.
Despite the financial crisis which continues to affect our nation, loyal members of both the Catholic Traditionalist Movement and Ave Maria Chapel continue to generously support the belief in what our Lord said, "Seek ye first the kingdom of God and the rest will be provided to you".
We thank all our members for that loyalty and support which has permitted us to have the spiritual success we had this past year.
While most of the Catholic world in America expressed surprise and outrage this past May over the invitation to President Barack Obama to be the commencement speaker at Notre Dame, we, here at Catholic Traditionalist Movement headquarters were not surprised in the least. Opposition to the president's appearance center around his strong pro-abortion views and policies, "how could a Catholic institution invite someone whose views were so diametrically opposed to Catholic teaching?" Was the cry heard in the weeks leading up to the president's appearance?
We here at the Catholic Traditionalist Movement headquarters found it par for the course of that anything-but Catholic institution! This was the same "Catholic" institution which stopped Father De Pauw from offering Mass in its chapel and from speaking on its grounds in February of 1966. It was on February 24, 1966 that a Brother James Dorson after seeing the Latin credentials of Father De Pauw and after having the English translation read to him, went to check with his superior and advised Father De Pauw that under the circumstances he was not permitted to offer Mass. Of course, the good brother "D's" superior was none other than President Hesburgh, who in concert with the local Bishop Pursley attempted to stop Father De Pauw from speaking later in the day on both radio and in front of an audience. While the campus chapel violated Canon Law and priestly rights and the radio station WNDU on the campus of Notre Dame, caved to pressure from Bishop Pursley, hard working Catholic Traditionalist Movement members in the South Bend area found an alternate location for Father De Pauw to speak. Interestingly enough attended by a good number of Notre Dame students.