"The consecration of a bishop is reserved to the Roman Pontiff in such a manner that no bishop is allowed to confer episcopal consecration on anyone unless he has first ascertained that there is a papal mandate to that effect." - Canon 953.
"Before a person is elevated to bishop, proof must be furnished in the manner prescribed by the Holy See that the individual is qualified for the office. - The requisites of a candidate for the episcopate are:
- he must be born of legitimate wedlock. Those legitimized by subsequent marriage are also excluded
- he must be at least thirty years of age
- he must have been ordained a priest for at least five years
- he must possess good character, piety, zeal for souls, prudence and other qualifications to govern the diocese in question
- he should have obtained the degree of doctor or licentiate in theology or Canon Law from a school approved by the Holy See, or must at least be well versed in these sciences. - The Holy See has the exclusive right to pass judgment on the suitability of any candidate for the episcopate." - Canons 330-331.
"A bishop who consecrates another bishop, the assistant bishops, or the priests who in place of the assistant bishops assist the consecrator, and the newly consecrated bishop who receives consecration without an apostolic mandate in violation of the precept of Canon 953, are all automatically suspended until the Apostolic See shall have relieved them from the panalty."
- Canon 2370
"All persons who presume to receive orders from a prelate who has been excommunicated, suspended or interdicted ..., or from a notorious apostate, heretic or schismatic, automatically incur suspension 'a divinis' reserved to the Apostolic See."
- Canon 2372
"Any baptized person who, while retaining the name of Christian, obstinately denies or doubts any of the truths proposed for belief by the divine and Catholic faith, is a HERETIC; if he abandons the Christian faith entirely, he is called an APOSTATE; if, finally, he refuses to be subject to the Supreme Pontiff, or to have communication with the members of the Church subject to the Pope, he is a SCHISMATIC."
- Canon 1325, par. 2
"All apostates from the Christian faith and each and every heretic or schismatic incur the following penalties:
- automatic excommunication
- if they have been admonished and do not repent, they shall be deprived of any benefice, dignity, pension, office or other position which they may hold in the Church; they shall be declared infamous, and, if they are members of the clergy, they shall after renewed admonition be deposed."
- Canon 2314, par. 1, 1-2
"It is forbidden to administer the Sacraments of the Church to heretics or schismatics, even though they err in good faith and ask for them, unless they have first renounced their errors and been reconciled with the Church."
- Canon 731, par.2
"Notorious adherents of an heretical or schismatic sect, ... or excommunicated persons, ... are deprived of ecclesiastical burial, unless they have before death given some signs of repentance."
- Canon 1240 From the PRE-VATICAN II CODE OF CANON LAW As quoted in Quote-Unquote July 1988