America has a genius for great unselfish deeds, and into the hands of America
God has placed an afflicted mankind.
PIUS XII (1945)
War in the Gulf
"Thank you for your warm and thoughtful message and especially for your prayers. Your kind words mean a great deal to me, and I hope that you will continue to pray for peace and for God's blessings on our Nation as we face the challenges ahead. I appreciate your support. God bless you."
--President George BUSH, in letter to Father De Pauw, Aug. 15, 1990
"Thank you for your letter of November 24th, sharing your thoughts with me about the situation in the Persian gulf. Your strong support and balanced reasoning are much appreciated....I appreciate knowing of the position of the Catholic Traditionalist Movement on this important issue..."
--President BUSH, in letter to Fr. De Pauw, Dec. 27, 1990.
"It is very gratifying to have the support of the people such as yourself...It makes my job all the more worthwhile..."
--Secretary of Defense
Dick CHENEY, in letter to
Fr. De Pauw, Aug. 27, 1990
"It's great to hear from true Americans such as you, who support our efforts and interests in this time of world crisis....As the commander of every soldier, sailor, airman and marine in Operation Desert Shield, I want to express my personal gratitude to you for reminding us that we truly have a great family, the American family, sending us their prayers, their support, and their love. Speaking for the sons and daughters of America, thank you. God bless you...."
--General H. Norman
SCHWARZKOPF, Commander in
Chief, Operation Desert Shield, in
letter to Fr. De Pauw, Dec. 14, 1990 |
SUB TUUM PRAESIDIUM... Under Thy patronage, O glorious and blessed Virgin, we place the brave men and women of our Armed Forces, in their quest for "peace to men of good will." |
"I appreciate your kind words of support concerning the developing situation in the Persian Gulf. Please be assured the U.S. Armed Forces as always, will bear our Nation's colors with great pride...."
Joint Chiefs of Staff,
General Colin L. POWELL,
in letters to Fr. De Pauw,
Aug. 23 and Dec. 18, 1990
"Thank you for your continued support. Your letters of encouragement and prayers have meant a great deal to me. However, the unwavering support you have so generously expressed has never meant more to me than now."
Commander in Chief,
Operation Desert Storm,
In letter to Fr. De Pauw,
February 6, 1991 |
"Your Marines appreciate your concern and support.... We all pray for a peaceful resolution. I can assure you that the challenges that lie ahead will be met 'head on.' We are trained, equipped, and prepared to accomplish any mission that comes our way. May God bless you, and Semper Fidelis."
--General A.M. GRAY, Commandant of the Marine Corps, in letter to Fr. De Pauw, Dec. 18, 1990
"The support of all Americans is of utmost importance to our mission here.... We are indeed fortunate to have patriotic Americans like yourself standing behind our courageous young men and women. Again, thank you for your prayers and support. Airborne!"
--Major General James H. JOHNSON, Jr.,
Commanding General, 82nd Airborne Division, in letter to Fr. De Pauw, October 29, 1990
THEOLOGIAN-CITIZEN -- From the very first day of what was to become OPERATION DESERT SHIELD --OPERATION DESERT STORM, Father, the recognized expert on moral theology, publicly stood up to provide his fellow-Catholics in the USA with the moral grounds justifying their refusal to accept their bishops' peace-at-any-price pacifism, and, instead, give their unqualified "just war" support to our troops and their Commander-in-Chief, President Bush. -- For his unique stand Father received the thanks and praise from the highest civil and military authorities in the land.
