Tuum, Domine, regnum, et Tu es super omnes principes...
Thine is the kingdom, O Lord, and Thou art the ruler over all...

A CITIZEN WHO COULD BE TRUSTED. -- In 1960 the Administrative Council of Mount St. Mary's Corporation elected Father to the office of General Secretary, making him, with the College President, one of two security-cleared officials representing the institution in its unique relationship with the U.S. Department of Defense.

Photo shows Father with Mount St. Mary's President, Monsignor John Sheridan, and Maryland Governor J. Millard Tawes.

Ut cantem gloriam Tuam tota die magnitudinem Tuam.
That I may sing Thy glory and greatness all day long.
PSALM 70:8

RECOGNIZED EXPERT in liturgy, and official master of Pontifical Ceremonies, Father is shown here, Nov. 19, 1960, assisting Archbishop, subsequently Cardinal, Egidio Vagnozzi, Apostolic Delegate in the United States.

Collaudabunt multi sapientiam eius.
Many will praise his wisdom.

The young theology and canon law professor quickly became a familiar fixture as a sought after speaker and debater in the world of Academia. Photo shows Father at New York's Columbia University.